SR Presents 11

SR is proud to present our 11th show, featuring something big, something new and something different!!

Poster by Dawn

Poster by Dawn

Date: Friday, 1 March 2013
Time: 8:00pm
Venue: Underground Theatre, Fringe Club, 2 Lower Albert Road, Central
Admission: $100 (advance) $125 (on the day)
Phone: 2521 7251 (Fringe Club box office)
Facebook: Event





inLove曾獲通利原音比賽銀獎及最佳原創歌曲獎,參興演出有香港藝術節、澳門藝穗、Wild Day Out、誠品信義旗艦店開幕、金紫荊電影頒獎禮等。


TUX is an alternative rock band who does not have any programmed elements, its music could range from indie-pop to shoegaze, or anything they could possibly think of creating.

Formed in September 2012, the band has played in various venues around Hong Kong.

TUX is currently working on their first EP, which will be released in mid 2013.

Dawn – Vocal, Synthesizer
Victor – Guitar
Ajax – Backing Vocal, Bass
Cat – Drums

Fire Bird Intown

Fire Bird Intown is made up of 3 members of the now defunct FireBird Internation.

After a long enough rest since the last show in September 2012, the THREE HONG KONG GUYS from the local band F.B.I. are ready to come back to destroy the stage!

The band is no longer ‘international’ but 100% local now and will play their classic in a new way together with some new stuff! So just come to see what’s going on!

Guitar: Kam
Bass: Jerald
Drums: Nice




從2004年起,KillerSoap曾參與數百現場表演,當中更包括電臺、電視臺活動,而表演地點包括倫敦、臺灣、成都及澳門等地。2008年冬天,KillerSoap於世界性大型樂隊比賽「Global Battle of the Bands」中奪得中國區總冠軍,同年代表中國遠赴英國倫敦與其餘26個國家冠軍切磋交流。2009年,樂隊再度參加比賽亦獲得「最佳樂隊亞軍」及「最佳歌手」的獎項。


2010年至今,專注於灌錄他們籌備多時的第一張大碟《Bittersweet》,於11月正式面世。而KillerSoap已於10月22日於西灣河協青社蒲吧舉行「Just Let It Go Debut Album Release Live」,把所有經歷以音樂重現于樂迷眼前。而Killersoap首支單曲登陸903豁達推介2星期,最高排名第6位,而2012年首支廣東派台歌亦順利打入903專業推介十大位置,終於得到電臺DJ及樂迷認同及支持。


而8月25日,KillerSoap完成了首個香港九龍灣國際展貿中心的音樂會「Jukebox of The Post 80’s」演唱會,除了演繹樂隊八年來累積的原創熱播歌曲外,更會讓樂迷票選最想KillerSoap現場演繹的「八十後金曲」,並經過改編重塑經典時代曲,讓大家一同見證KillerSoap成長。

Formed in 2004, KillerSoap is an independent rock band based in Hong Kong. Being a local, they grew up under the mix of British colonial culture and the traditional Chinese culture. The name “KillerSoap” already gives an indication on it. Its meaning, “The Ultimate Lethal Weapon”, actually shares the same sound with its literal translation in Cantonese. KillerSoap is known for their uniqueness by blending the east and west; consists of fast, upbeat, catchy tunes as well as moody, compassionate and heartwarming ballad.

Global Battle Of The Bands – China Division Champion

Ever since 2004, they have performed in more than a hundred gigs, including several appearances in local television and radio.. In winter 2008, they won the champion of China Global Battle of the Bands (GBOB) and competed in the World Final with 26 other talents from all around the world in London as the representative of China.

Breakthrough Of Debut Album《Bittersweet》and 「Just Let It Go」Concert

After a year of preparation, they released their first album “Bittersweet” on 22nd October2011. At the same time, they had their debut album release show, which brought over 700 audience an unforgettable live by presenting their music journey throughout years. Killersoap’s firt single gets a satisfied airplay on radio, which hits the Quote Chart No.6 in CRHK.

2012 is the year of breakthrough to KillerSoap. They achieved to Beijing Strawberry Festival, Taiwan Ho-Hai-Yan Music Festival, with the crowd of over ten thousand of audience.

25th August, KillerSoap Finished their first KITEC show 「Jukebox of The Post 80’s」Concert, playing their hit songs and cover some classics of their adolescence period.